In addition to our noxious weed identification pages on this website and the State Weed Board's website, the Franklin County Noxious Weed Control Board offers "Options for Control" brochures, compiled by staff members. These informational guides are for certain weed species that are considered high priority due to their potential economic or environmental impacts to Franklin County, or because the local public has expressed particular concerns about them. The PDF brochures below can be printed or downloaded.
In order to protect the producing dryland crop areas the control of cereal rye (Secale cereale) is required on all producing dryland crop and Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) fields in Franklin County. it is encouraged that effective control programs be implemented prior to seed head blooming. The Weed Board staff will help in setting up a control program with landowners/operators.
The boundary is established as follows; all dryland crop lands east of SR 395 & US 12 in Franklin County. Within the control area a 200 foot buffer will be required next to all dryland crop land. This will cover CRP lands as crop land.
Rangeland, wildlife habitat, and right-of-ways will not have to control cereal rye, but will have to provide a buffer of 200 feet or as approved by Weed Board staff adjacent to dryland crop and CRP.
Should a grower want to grow rye as a crop, they may if they keep the rye on the farm land. A buffer along roads and adjoining lands may be require. (Adopted 3/90; Amended March 2009).
The control of kochia (Bassia scoparia) is required on all lands in the eastern and northern portion of Franklin County. It is encouraged that effective herbicide control programs be implemented, if possible, prior to to six (6) inch height. The Weed Board staff can provide a weed control plan with landowner/operators.
The boundary is established as follows; beginning at the Snake River and running north 400 feet west of the Burlington Northern Railroad main line which runs from Pasco north to the intersection with Highway 17. The boundary will then follow Highway 17 north to R-170. At the intersection of R-170 and Hwy 17the boundary turns west and follows R-170 to Ranger Drive. At the intersection of Ranger Drive, the boundary will turn west and continue to the Columbia River. All areas east and north of this line will be in the control area. Municipalities shall be included in this control area.
All landowner/operators within the area west and south of the boundary shall in no way abandon control efforts. The only way that we can ever decrease the problem is if those landowners/operators maintain or increase their control programs. The Weed Board may move the boundary further west in future years. (Adopted 4/2004).
The Franklin County Noxious Weed Control Board publishes "The Sage" e-newsletter each spring and fall. The publication offers seasonal advice for weed control and other useful information. PDFs are available below to download or print. You can also subscribe to "The Sage" to receive the next issue by email as soon as it's published.