Franklin County Weed Board crews control roadside vegetation on county roads through the application of herbicides for the Franklin County Public Works Department.
Public Works manages an "Owner Will Maintain" program in conjunction with its Policy on Roadside Vegetation Management. Property owners who are located adjacent to roadways may request that the shoulders along their property not receive an application of herbicide by completing an Owner Will Maintain Agreement. Agreements are due by the end of December to go into effect the following year beginning Jan 1st. By making such a request, the property owner acknowledges that the county will not provide any vegetation control, including mechanical means, and that the property owner will be solely responsible to control vegetation in a manner acceptable to the county.
Owner Will Maintain Agreements are processed by Franklin County Public Works.
For more information, visit the Public Works OWM web page, call 509-545-3514 or email
Roadside "Owner Will Maintain" sign