The Franklin County Noxious Weed Control Board offers a landowner Cost Share on spring or fall herbicide applications intended to control certain species of high priority noxious weeds. The purpose of the program is to target yellow starthistle, Scotch thistle, diffuse knapweed and rush skeletonweed in a coordinated effort across several property lines, particularly on rangelands or other undeveloped areas that have less potential for a profitable return.
The Weed Board has operated the annual cost share since 2018. The valuable program helps landowners defray the costs of weed control while greatly reducing the presence of noxious weeds in Franklin County. Since the program was implemented 10,688 acres have been treated with an additional 5,000 acres proposed for 2021. The Weed Board encourages the use of aerial applications where appropriate. Herbicide applications are cost-shared on a per-acre basis to be paid at the end of the spray season, spring or fall.
While rangeland is the highest priority land-use type for the program, other types may be considered such as Conservation Reserve Program lands, contingent on Farm Service Agency rules.
Sign-ups are typically held in December and January but consultations and more information about the program are available anytime. Call the Weed Board office at 545-3847.